▼Nmadara | Copyright (c) 2015 Carnegie Mellon University |
►Nexpression | Contains the KaRL expression tree interpreter and related classes |
CAdd | Addition node of the parse tree |
CAnd | Logically and node of the parse tree |
CArrayRef | Leaf node for an array reference |
CAssignment | Assign the value of an expression to a variable |
CBoth | Evaluates both left and right children, regardless of values |
CClearVariable | Clears a variable in the knowledge base |
CComponentNode | An abstract base class defines a simple abstract implementation of an expression tree node |
CCompositeAddNode | A composite node that encompasses addition of two expressions |
CCompositeAndNode | A composite node that performs a logical and |
CCompositeArrayReference | Defines a terminal node of that references the current value stored in a variable |
CCompositeAssignmentNode | A composite node that allows for variable assignment |
CCompositeBinaryNode | Defines a left and right node (via inheritance from CompositeUnaryNode) |
CCompositeBothNode | A composite node that evaluates both left and right expressions regardless of their evaluations |
CCompositeConstArray | A composite node that contains an array of values |
CCompositeDivideNode | A composite node that divides a left expression by a right one |
CCompositeEqualityNode | A composite node that compares left and right expressions for equality |
CCompositeForLoop | A composite node that iterates until a condition is met |
CCompositeFunctionNode | A composite node that calls a function |
CCompositeGreaterThanEqualNode | A composite node that compares left and right expressions for greater than or equal to |
CCompositeGreaterThanNode | A composite node that compares left and right children for greater than |
CCompositeImpliesNode | A composite node that performs an implication (inference rule) |
CCompositeInequalityNode | A composite node that compares left and right children for inequality |
CCompositeLessThanEqualNode | A composite node that compares left and right children for less than or equal to |
CCompositeLessThanNode | A composite node that compares left and right children for less than |
CCompositeModulusNode | A composite node that divides a left expression by a right expression and returns the remainder of the division |
CCompositeMultiplyNode | A composite node that multiplies a left expression by a right expression |
CCompositeNegateNode | A composite node that integrally negates a right expression |
CCompositeNotNode | A composite node that logically nots a right expression |
CCompositeOrNode | A composite node that performs a logical or |
CCompositePostdecrementNode | A composite node that decrements a left expression |
CCompositePostincrementNode | A composite node that increments a right expression |
CCompositePredecrementNode | A composite node that decrements a right expression |
CCompositePreincrementNode | A composite node that increments a right expression |
CCompositeReturnRightNode | A composite node that evaluates both left and right expressions regardless of their evaluations |
CCompositeSequentialNode | A composite node that evaluates both left and right expressions regardless of their evaluations |
CCompositeSquareRootNode | A composite node that takes the square root of a term |
CCompositeSubtractNode | A composite node that encompasses subtraction of a right expression from a left expression |
CCompositeTernaryNode | |
CCompositeUnaryNode | Encapsulates a single expression tree |
CConstArray | A constant array that should not be changed |
CCos | Returns the cosine of a term (radians) |
CDeleteVariable | Deletes a variable from the knowledge base |
CDivide | Division node of the parse tree |
CEquality | Check and left and right arguments for equality |
CEval | Evaluates a Knowledge Record and returns result |
CExpandEnv | Expands a statement, e.g |
CExpandStatement | Expands a statement, e.g |
CExpressionTree | Encapsulates a MADARA KaRL expression into an evaluatable tree |
CExpressionTreeConstIterator | Constant iterator over an expression tree |
CExpressionTreeIterator | Non-const iterator for traversing an expression tree |
CExpressionTreeIteratorFactory | Implementation of a factory pattern that dynamically allocates the appropriate ExpressionTreeIteratorImpl object |
CExpressionTreeIteratorImpl | Implementation of the ExpressionTreeIterator pattern that is used to define the various iterations algorithms that can be performed to traverse the expression tree |
CForLoop | Iterative looping node of the parse tree |
CFragment | Fragment the Knowledge Record |
CFunction | Function node of the parse tree |
CGetClock | Returns the clock of the argument or the system clock |
CGetTime | Returns the wall clock time |
CGetTimeSeconds | Returns the wall clock time in seconds |
CGreaterThan | Check and left and right arguments for greater than |
CGreaterThanEqual | Check and left and right arguments for greater than or equal to |
CImplies | Assign the value of an expression to a variable |
CInequality | Check and left and right arguments for inequality |
CInOrderIteratorImpl | Iterates through an ExpressionTree in in-order |
CInterpreter | Parses incoming expression strings into a parse tree and generates an expression tree from the parse tree |
CLeafNode | Defines a node that contains a madara::knowledge::KnowledgeRecord::Integer value |
CLessThan | Check and left and right arguments for less than |
CLessThanEqual | Check and left and right arguments for less than or equal to |
CLevelOrderExpressionTreeIteratorImpl | Iterates through an ExpressionTree in level-order |
CList | Parameter List |
CListNode | Defines a terminal node that contains a list |
CLogLevel | Reads or sets the MADARA log level |
CModulus | Modulus node of the parse tree (10 % 4 == 2) |
CMultiply | Multiplication node of the parse tree |
CNegate | Negate node of the parse tree |
CNot | Logically not the right node |
CNumber | Leaf node of parse tree |
COperator | Abstract base class for all parse tree node operators |
COr | Logically or node of the parse tree |
CPostdecrement | Postdecrement node of the parse tree |
CPostincrement | Postincrement node of the parse tree |
CPostOrderIteratorImpl | Iterates through an ExpressionTree in post-order |
CPower | Returns a base term taken to a power (exponent) |
CPredecrement | Predecrement node of the parse tree |
CPreincrement | Preincrement node of the parse tree |
CPreOrderIteratorImpl | Iterates through an ExpressionTree in level-order |
CPrint | Prints a Knowledge Record to the stderr |
CPrintSystemCalls | Prints a help menu for all system calls |
CRandDouble | Generates a random double |
CRandInt | Generates a random integer |
CReadFile | Reads a file |
CReturnRight | Evaluates both left and right children and returns right value |
CSequence | Evaluates both left and right children, regardless of values |
CSetClock | Sets the system or a variable clock |
CSetFixed | Sets the output format to std::fixed |
CSetPrecision | Sets the precision of doubles |
CSetScientific | Sets the output to std::scientific |
CSin | Returns the sin of a term (radians) |
CSize | Returns the size of a record |
CSleep | Sleeps for a certain amount of time |
CSquareRoot | Returns the square root of a term |
CSquareRootUnary | |
CSubtract | Subtraction node of the parse tree |
CSymbol | Abstract base class of all parse tree nodes |
CSystemCall | Abstract base class for operators with 3+ potential subnodes |
CSystemCallClearVariable | Attempts to clear a variable |
CSystemCallCos | Returns the cosine of a term in radians |
CSystemCallDeleteVariable | Attempts to delete a variable |
CSystemCallEval | Evaluates a knowledge::KnowledgeRecord and returns the evaluation result |
CSystemCallExpandEnv | Returns the expansion of a statement with environment vars |
CSystemCallExpandStatement | Returns the expansion of a statement |
CSystemCallFragment | Returns a fragment of the knowledge record |
CSystemCallGetClock | Returns the system clock or a variable clock |
CSystemCallGetTime | Returns the time in nanoseconds since epoch |
CSystemCallGetTimeSeconds | Returns the current time in seconds since epoch |
CSystemCallLogLevel | Sets or returns the current MADARA logging level |
CSystemCallNode | Interface for a MADARA system call |
CSystemCallPow | Calculates a base term taken to a power |
CSystemCallPrint | Prints a Knowledge Record |
CSystemCallPrintSystemCalls | Prints all supported system calls |
CSystemCallRandDouble | Returns a random double |
CSystemCallRandInt | Returns a random integer |
CSystemCallReadFile | Reads a file from an user-provided file name |
CSystemCallSetClock | Sets the system clock or a variable clock |
CSystemCallSetFixed | Sets the output format to use std::fixed |
CSystemCallSetPrecision | Sets the double precision for converting doubles to a string and for printing |
CSystemCallSetScientific | Sets the output format to use std::scientific |
CSystemCallSin | Returns the sin of a term in radians |
CSystemCallSize | Returns the size of a specified knowledge record |
CSystemCallSleep | Sleeps for a certain amount of time |
CSystemCallSqrt | Returns the square root of a term |
CSystemCallTan | Returns the tangent of a term in radians |
CSystemCallToBuffer | Converts an argument into an unsigned char buffer |
CSystemCallToDouble | Converts an argument to a double |
CSystemCallToDoubles | Converts an argument to an array of doubles |
CSystemCallToHostDirs | Ensures the directory delimiters are appropriate for the host operating system (e.g., on Windows, '\' and Linux, '/') |
CSystemCallToInteger | Converts an argument to an integer |
CSystemCallToIntegers | Converts an argument to an array of integers |
CSystemCallToString | Converts an argument to a string |
CSystemCallType | Returns the type of a specified knowledge record |
CSystemCallWriteFile | Writes a knowledge record to an user-specified file name |
CTan | Returns the tangent of a term (radians) |
CTernaryOperator | Abstract base class for operators with 3+ potential subnodes |
CToBuffer | Returns a buffer |
CToDouble | Returns a double |
CToDoubles | Returns a double array |
CToHostDirs | Returns a version that has a directory structure appropriate to the OS |
CToInteger | Returns an integer |
CToIntegers | Returns an integers |
CToString | Returns a string |
CType | Returns the type of a record |
CUnaryOperator | Abstract base class for all parse tree node operators |
CVariable | Leaf node of parse tree |
CVariableCompare | Increment a variable by a certain amount |
CVariableCompareNode | Defines a terminal node of that references the current value stored in a variable |
CVariableDecrement | Decrement a variable by a certain amount |
CVariableDecrementNode | Composite node that subtracts a variable by some right hand side |
CVariableDivide | Divide a variable by a certain amount |
CVariableDivideNode | Composite node that divides a variable by some right hand side |
CVariableIncrement | Increment a variable by a certain amount |
CVariableIncrementNode | Defines a terminal node of that references the current value stored in a variable |
CVariableMultiply | Multiply a variable by a certain amount |
CVariableMultiplyNode | Composite node that multiplies a variable by some right hand side |
CVariableNode | Defines a terminal node of that references the current value stored in a variable |
CVisitor | Abstract base class for all visitors to all classes that derive from ComponentNode |
CWriteFile | Writes a file |
►Nfilters | Provides filtering for the MADARA transport layer |
CAggregateFilter | Abstract base class for implementing aggregate record filters via a functor interface |
CBufferFilter | Abstract base class for implementing buffer filters via a functor interface |
CClearRecords | Filter for clearing records from a filter |
CCounterFilter | Filter for discovering neighboring peers |
CEndpointClear | Filter for deleting endpoints, usually when new endpoints have been discovered |
CEndpointDiscovery | Filter for discovering remote hosts that have sent messages |
CPeerDiscovery | Filter for discovering neighboring peers |
CRecordFilter | Abstract base class for implementing individual record filters via a functor interface |
►Nknowledge | Provides functions and classes for the distributed knowledge base |
►Ncontainers | Provides container classes for fast knowledge base access and mutation |
CBarrier | This class stores an integer within a variable context |
CBaseContainer | This class is an abstract base class for all containers |
CBufferVector | This class stores a vector of character buffers |
CCollection | A collection of MADARA containers that can be used for aggregate operations on all containers in the collection |
CCounter | This class stores an integer within a variable context |
CDouble | This class stores a double within a variable context |
CDoubleStaged | Stages an integer value to and from the knowledge base |
CDoubleVector | This class stores a vector of doubles inside of KaRL |
►CDoubleVector2D | Manages a 2D array of doubles as a virtual overlay in the KnowledgeBase |
CIndices | Two dimensional indexing |
►CDoubleVector3D | Manages a 3D array of doubles as a virtual overlay in the KnowledgeBase |
CIndices | Two dimensional indexing |
►CDoubleVectorVector | This class stores a vector of NativeDoubleVectors |
CIndices | Two dimensional indexing |
CFlexMap | This class stores a flexible map of strings and ints to KaRL variables FlexMap differs from Map in three distinct ways |
CInteger | This class stores an integer within a variable context |
CIntegerStaged | Stages an integer value to and from the knowledge base |
CIntegerVector | This class stores a vector of integers inside of KaRL |
►CIntegerVector2D | Manages a 2D array of integers as a virtual overlay in the KnowledgeBase |
CIndices | Two dimensional indexing |
►CIntegerVector3D | Manages a 3D array of doubles as a virtual overlay in the KnowledgeBase |
CIndices | Three dimensional indexing |
►CIntegerVectorVector | This class stores a vector of NativeIntegerVectors |
CIndices | Two dimensional indexing |
CMap | This class stores a map of strings to KaRL variables |
CNativeDoubleVector | This class stores a vector of doubles inside of KaRL |
CNativeDoubleVectorStaged | This class stores a vector of doubles inside of KaRL |
CNativeIntegerVector | This class stores a vector of doubles inside of KaRL |
CNativeIntegerVectorStaged | This class stores a vector of doubles inside of KaRL |
CQueue | This class stores thread-safe queue within the knowledge base |
CString | This class stores a string within a variable context |
CStringStaged | Stages a string value to and from the knowledge base |
CStringVector | This class stores a vector of strings inside of KaRL |
CVector | This class stores a vector of KaRL variables |
►Nrcw | Namespace holding Read-Compute-Write based abstractions for knowledge base access |
CBaseTracker | Base type for Trackers |
CPrefixTracker | Tracker that puts values into a multiple prefixed KnowledgeRecords |
CPrefixTracker< T, R, false, false, void > | If trying to create a tracker that is read-only, and write-only, give error |
CPrefixTracker< T, VariableReference, RD, WR, typename std::enable_if< supports_get_value< T >::value &&supports_indexed_get_value< T >::value &&supports_size< T >::value &&supports_is_dirty< T >::value &&supports_is_all_dirty< T >::value &&supports_is_size_dirty< T >::value &&supports_indexed_is_dirty< T >::value >::type > | Tracker that puts values into a multiple prefixed KnowledgeRecords |
Csupports_const_iter | |
Csupports_const_iter_impl | Trait to test if type supports const iterator methods |
Csupports_get_value | |
Csupports_get_value_impl | Trait to test for get_/set_value overloads for given type |
Csupports_indexed_get_value | |
Csupports_indexed_get_value_impl | Trait to test for indexed get_/set_value overloads for given type |
Csupports_indexed_is_dirty | |
Csupports_indexed_is_dirty_impl | Trait to test for an indexed_is_dirty overload for given type |
Csupports_is_all_dirty | |
Csupports_is_all_dirty_impl | Trait to test for an is_all_dirty overload for a given type |
Csupports_is_dirty | |
Csupports_is_dirty_impl | Trait to test for an is_dirty overload for a given type |
Csupports_is_size_dirty | |
Csupports_is_size_dirty_impl | Trait to test for an is_size_dirty overload for a given type |
Csupports_knowledge_cast | |
Csupports_knowledge_cast_impl | Trait to test if type supports knowledge_cast (both to and from) |
Csupports_self_eq | |
Csupports_self_eq_impl | Trait to test if type supports equality testing (values of same type) |
Csupports_size | |
Csupports_size_impl | Trait to test if type supports a size method |
CTracked | Tracks the modification status of a wrapped object of the given type |
CTracked< std::vector< T > > | Implement functionality specific to std::vectors |
CTrackedCollection | Used internally by Tracked |
CTrackedExtra | Provides default versions of methods below |
CTrackedExtra< std::basic_string< Char >, Impl > | Adds functionality specific to std::basic_string |
CTracker | Tracker which puts variable values into a single KnowledgeRecord |
CTracker< T, R, false, false, void > | If trying to create a tracker that is read-only, and write-only, give error |
CTracker< T, VariableReference, false, true, typename std::enable_if< supports_get_value< T >::value &&supports_knowledge_cast< T >::value &&supports_is_dirty< T >::value &&!supports_indexed_is_dirty< T >::value >::type > | Tracker specialization for types that track their own modification status and that can only write |
CTracker< T, VariableReference, false, true, typename std::enable_if< supports_get_value< T >::value &&supports_knowledge_cast< T >::value &&supports_self_eq< T >::value &&!supports_is_dirty< T >::value >::type > | Tracker specialization for types that don't track modification status, and that can only write |
CTracker< T, VariableReference, RD, WR, typename std::enable_if< supports_get_value< T >::value &&supports_indexed_get_value< T >::value &&supports_size< T >::value &&supports_knowledge_cast< T >::value &&supports_is_dirty< T >::value &&supports_is_all_dirty< T >::value &&supports_is_size_dirty< T >::value &&supports_indexed_is_dirty< T >::value >::type > | Tracker specialization for types that have individual indexed elements, and track their modification status individually |
CTracker< T, VariableReference, RD, WR, typename std::enable_if< supports_indexed_get_value< T >::value &&supports_size< T >::value &&!supports_is_all_dirty< T >::value &&!supports_is_size_dirty< T >::value &&supports_indexed_is_dirty< T >::value >::type > | Tracker specialization for types with individual elements that each track their own modification status |
CTracker< T, VariableReference, true, false, typename std::enable_if< supports_get_value< T >::value &&supports_knowledge_cast< T >::value >::type > | Tracker specialization for types that can only read |
CTracker< T, VariableReference, true, true, typename std::enable_if< supports_get_value< T >::value &&supports_knowledge_cast< T >::value &&supports_is_dirty< T >::value &&!supports_indexed_is_dirty< T >::value >::type > | Tracker specialization for types that track their own modification status and that can both read and write |
CTracker< T, VariableReference, true, true, typename std::enable_if< supports_get_value< T >::value &&supports_knowledge_cast< T >::value &&supports_self_eq< T >::value &&!supports_is_dirty< T >::value >::type > | Tracker specialization for types that don't track modification status, and that can both read and write |
►CTransaction | Manages a Read-Compute-Write cycle for registered variables |
CBuilder | Builder object returned by build() |
CInitHandler | Helper type to enable initialization using initializer_list Fallback implementation for types which do not support initializer_list |
CInitHandler< B, I, T, typename std::enable_if< supports_get_value< T >::value &&supports_indexed_get_value< T >::value &&supports_size< T >::value >::type > | Helper type to enable initialization using initializer_list Specialization for types which do support initializer_list |
►Ntags | Tags to specify what type to construct in KnowledgeRecord forwarding constructors |
Cbinary_t | |
Cdoubles_t | |
Cintegers_t | |
Cshared_t | |
Cstring_t | |
CAggregateFilter | This class stores a function definition |
CCheckpointSettings | Holds settings for checkpoints to load or save |
CCompiledExpression | Compiled, optimized KaRL logic |
CContextGuard | A thread-safe guard for a context or knowledge base |
CEvalSettings | Encapsulates settings for an evaluation statement |
CEvent | Expression container for timed event |
CFileHeader | Defines a file header which is the default for KaRL checkpointing |
CFiles | This class provides file repo capabilities to the knowledge base |
CFileSettings | This class provides an interface into the KnowledgeEngine that governs how files are prioritized, modified, and handled |
CFunction | This class stores a function definition |
CKnowledgeBase | This class provides a distributed knowledge base to users |
CKnowledgeBaseImpl | This class provides a distributed knowledge base implementation |
CKnowledgeRecord | This class encapsulates an entry in a KnowledgeBase |
CKnowledgeRecordFilters | Provides map of data types to a filter chain to apply to the data |
CKnowledgeReferenceSettings | Settings for applying knowledge updates |
►CKnowledgeRequirements | Holds settings requirements for knowledge, usually in copying |
CMatchPredicate | A helper class for matching prefixes and suffixes |
CKnowledgeUpdateSettings | Settings for applying knowledge updates |
CThreadSafeContext | This class stores variables and their values for use by any entity needing state information in a thread safe way |
CTimedEventThread | Thread executing timed events |
CTimedEventThreadInfo | A struct that is passed to Timed Event Thread Executors to control job handling, shutdowns, etc |
CTimedExecutor | This class executes expression events at specified times |
CVariableReference | Optimized reference to a variable within the knowledge base |
CVariables | Provides an interface for external functions into the MADARA KaRL variable settings |
CWaitSettings | Encapsulates settings for a wait statement |
►Nlogger | Provides knowledge logging services to files and terminals |
CLogger | A multi-threaded logger for logging to one or more destinations |
►Nthreads | Provides a quality-of-service-enabled threading library |
CBaseThread | Abstract base class for implementing threads |
CJavaThread | A facade for a user-defined Java thread class |
CRCWThread | Abstract base class for implementing RCW threads |
CThreader | Starts threads with first class support of MADARA contexts |
CWorkerThread | A thread that executes BaseThread logic |
CWorkUnit | Abstract base class for implementing base threads |
►Ntransport | Provides the network transport layer for knowledge bases to communicate within and across agents |
CBandwidthMonitor | Provides monitoring capability of a transport's bandwidth |
CBase | Base class from which all transports must be derived |
CBroadcastTransport | Multicast-based transport for knowledge |
CBroadcastTransportReadThread | Thread for reading knowledge updates through a Multicast datagram socket |
CFragmentMessageHeader | Defines a fragmentation header which allows for multi-part messages that are only applied once all fragments are received |
CMessageHeader | Defines a robust message header which is the default for KaRL messages |
CMulticastTransport | Multicast-based transport for knowledge |
CMulticastTransportReadThread | Thread for reading knowledge updates through a Multicast datagram socket |
CNDDSListener | Container for NDDS callbacks |
CNDDSReadThread | Thread for reading knowledge updates via a NDDS waitset (deprecated and unused) |
CNddsTransport | This class provides an interface into the NDDS dissemination transport |
CPacketScheduler | Provides scheduler for dropping packets |
CQoSTransportSettings | Container for quality-of-service settings |
CReducedMessageHeader | Defines a simple, smaller message header of 29 bytes that supports less QoS |
CSpliceDataReaderListener | Container for DDS-related callbacks (deprecated and unused) |
CSpliceDDSTransport | This class provides an interface into the Open Splice dissemination transport |
CSpliceReadThread | Thread for reading knowledge updates via waitsets |
CSpliceSubscriberListener | Container for subscriber callbacks (deprecated and unused) |
CTcpTransport | TCP-based transport (skeleton code) |
CTcpTransportReadThread | Thread for reading knowledge updates through a TCP socket (unused but planned) |
CTransportContext | Provides context about the transport |
CTransportSettings | Holds basic transport settings |
CUdpRegistryClient | UDP-based transport for knowledge |
CUdpRegistryClientReadThread | Thread for reading knowledge and registry updates through a UDP socket |
CUdpRegistryServer | UDP-based server that handles a registry of UDP endpoints, which makes it ideal for any NAT-protected agents |
CUdpRegistryServerReadThread | Thread for reading registry updates through a UDP socket |
CUdpTransport | UDP-based transport for knowledge |
CUdpTransportReadThread | Thread for reading knowledge updates through a UDP socket |
CZMQTransport | ZMQ-based transport for knowledge |
CZMQTransportReadThread | Thread for reading knowledge updates through a ZMQ datagram socket |
►Nutility | Provides utility functions and classes for common tasks and needs |
►Njava | Provides utility functions and classes for common Java tasks and needs |
CAcquire_VM | This class encapsulates attaching and detaching to a VM |
►CLQueue | Defines a generic "first-in/first-out" (FIFO) Abstract Data Type (ADT) using a circular linked list |
COverflow | Exception thrown by methods in this class when an overflow condition occurs |
CUnderflow | Exception thrown by methods in this class when an underflow condition occurs |
CLQueueConstIterator | Implements a forward iterator for LQueue type classes |
CLQueueIterator | Implements a forward iterator for LQueue type classes |
CLQueueNode | Defines a node in the LQueue that's implemented as a circular linked list |
►CLStack | Defines a generic "last-in/first-out" (LIFO) Abstract Data Type (ADT) using a stack that's implemented as a linked list |
COverflow | Exception thrown by methods in this class when an overflow condition occurs |
CUnderflow | Exception thrown by methods in this class when an underflow condition occurs |
CLStackConstIterator | Implements a forward iterator for LStack type classes |
CLStackIterator | Implements a forward iterator for LStack type classes |
CLStackNode | Defines a node in the LStack that's implemented as a linked list |
►CRefcounter | This template class provides transparent reference counting of its template parameter T |
CShim | A shim class that keeps track of the reference count and a pointer to the type T that's reference counted |
►CScopedArray | This template class provides transparent reference counting of its template parameter T |
CShim | A shim class that keeps track of the reference count and a pointer to the type T that's reference counted |
CThreadSafeVector | Manages a thread safe STL vector |
CDeepIterator | The iterator type returned by deep_iterate |
CEndiannessChecker | INTERNAL USE: Checks for and converting to network long (htonl) |
CFunctionMap | This class stores external functions |
CIteratorTraits | Specialize this template to support various kinds of iterators |
CIteratorTraits< T, typename TypeHelper< typename T::value_type >::type, typename TypeHelper< typename T::value_type::second_type >::type > | Specialization for map-style pair iterators, where we want to deep-copy the value, but not the key |
CIteratorTraits< T, typename TypeHelper< typename T::value_type >::type, V > | Specialization for plain iterators, where we can call deep_copy directly on the iterator |
CStrideTask | INTERNAL USE: Task that can be added to a Stride scheduler |
CTernaryNode | An abstract base class defines a simple abstract implementation of an expression tree node |
CTypeHelper | Helper class for type inference |