MADARA  3.1.8
IteratorTraits< T, U, V > Struct Template Reference

Specialize this template to support various kinds of iterators. More...

#include <DeepIterator.h>

Detailed Description

template<class T, class U = void, class V = void>
struct IteratorTraits< T, U, V >

Specialize this template to support various kinds of iterators.

Must provide a typedef value_type, which is the type the DeepIterator will return, and a get_deep_copy which, given a const reference to the base iterator, returns value_type, with appropriate deep copying.

See existing specializations for examples.

There is no non-specialized version given, so that unsupported iterator types will produce a compile-time error.

Definition at line 25 of file DeepIterator.h.

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