Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼Nmadara | Copyright (c) 2015 Carnegie Mellon University |
Nexpression | Contains the KaRL expression tree interpreter and related classes |
▼Nfilters | Provides filtering for the MADARA transport layer |
Njava | Provides java filters |
Nssl | Provides ssl filters |
▼Nknowledge | Provides functions and classes for the distributed knowledge base |
Ncontainers | Provides container classes for fast knowledge base access and mutation |
Nrcw | Namespace holding Read-Compute-Write based abstractions for knowledge base access |
Ntags | Tags to specify what type to construct in KnowledgeRecord forwarding constructors |
Nlogger | Provides knowledge logging services to files and terminals |
Nthreads | Provides a quality-of-service-enabled threading library |
Ntransport | Provides the network transport layer for knowledge bases to communicate within and across agents |
▼Nutility | Provides utility functions and classes for common tasks and needs |
Njava | Provides utility functions and classes for common Java tasks and needs |