Contains the KaRL expression tree interpreter and related classes. More...
Classes | |
class | Add |
Addition node of the parse tree. More... | |
class | And |
Logically and node of the parse tree. More... | |
class | ArrayRef |
Leaf node for an array reference. More... | |
class | Assignment |
Assign the value of an expression to a variable. More... | |
class | Both |
Evaluates both left and right children, regardless of values. More... | |
class | ClearVariable |
Clears a variable in the knowledge base. More... | |
class | ComponentNode |
An abstract base class defines a simple abstract implementation of an expression tree node. More... | |
class | CompositeAddNode |
A composite node that encompasses addition of two expressions. More... | |
class | CompositeAndNode |
A composite node that performs a logical and. More... | |
class | CompositeArrayReference |
Defines a terminal node of that references the current value stored in a variable. More... | |
class | CompositeAssignmentNode |
A composite node that allows for variable assignment. More... | |
class | CompositeBinaryNode |
Defines a left and right node (via inheritance from CompositeUnaryNode). More... | |
class | CompositeBothNode |
A composite node that evaluates both left and right expressions regardless of their evaluations. More... | |
class | CompositeConstArray |
A composite node that contains an array of values. More... | |
class | CompositeDivideNode |
A composite node that divides a left expression by a right one. More... | |
class | CompositeEqualityNode |
A composite node that compares left and right expressions for equality. More... | |
class | CompositeForLoop |
A composite node that iterates until a condition is met. More... | |
class | CompositeFunctionNode |
A composite node that calls a function. More... | |
class | CompositeGreaterThanEqualNode |
A composite node that compares left and right expressions for greater than or equal to. More... | |
class | CompositeGreaterThanNode |
A composite node that compares left and right children for greater than. More... | |
class | CompositeImpliesNode |
A composite node that performs an implication (inference rule) More... | |
class | CompositeInequalityNode |
A composite node that compares left and right children for inequality. More... | |
class | CompositeLessThanEqualNode |
A composite node that compares left and right children for less than or equal to. More... | |
class | CompositeLessThanNode |
A composite node that compares left and right children for less than. More... | |
class | CompositeModulusNode |
A composite node that divides a left expression by a right expression and returns the remainder of the division. More... | |
class | CompositeMultiplyNode |
A composite node that multiplies a left expression by a right expression. More... | |
class | CompositeNegateNode |
A composite node that integrally negates a right expression. More... | |
class | CompositeNotNode |
A composite node that logically nots a right expression. More... | |
class | CompositeOrNode |
A composite node that performs a logical or. More... | |
class | CompositePostdecrementNode |
A composite node that decrements a left expression. More... | |
class | CompositePostincrementNode |
A composite node that increments a right expression. More... | |
class | CompositePredecrementNode |
A composite node that decrements a right expression. More... | |
class | CompositePreincrementNode |
A composite node that increments a right expression. More... | |
class | CompositeReturnRightNode |
A composite node that evaluates both left and right expressions regardless of their evaluations. More... | |
class | CompositeSequentialNode |
A composite node that evaluates both left and right expressions regardless of their evaluations. More... | |
class | CompositeSquareRootNode |
A composite node that takes the square root of a term. More... | |
class | CompositeSubtractNode |
A composite node that encompasses subtraction of a right expression from a left expression. More... | |
class | CompositeTernaryNode |
class | CompositeUnaryNode |
Encapsulates a single expression tree. More... | |
class | ConstArray |
A constant array that should not be changed. More... | |
class | Cos |
Returns the cosine of a term (radians) More... | |
class | DeleteVariable |
Deletes a variable from the knowledge base. More... | |
class | Divide |
Division node of the parse tree. More... | |
class | Equality |
Check and left and right arguments for equality. More... | |
class | Eval |
Evaluates a Knowledge Record and returns result. More... | |
class | ExpandEnv |
Expands a statement, e.g. More... | |
class | ExpandStatement |
Expands a statement, e.g. More... | |
class | ExpressionTree |
Encapsulates a MADARA KaRL expression into an evaluatable tree. More... | |
class | ExpressionTreeConstIterator |
Constant iterator over an expression tree. More... | |
class | ExpressionTreeIterator |
Non-const iterator for traversing an expression tree. More... | |
class | ExpressionTreeIteratorFactory |
Implementation of a factory pattern that dynamically allocates the appropriate ExpressionTreeIteratorImpl object. More... | |
class | ExpressionTreeIteratorImpl |
Implementation of the ExpressionTreeIterator pattern that is used to define the various iterations algorithms that can be performed to traverse the expression tree. More... | |
class | ForLoop |
Iterative looping node of the parse tree. More... | |
class | Fragment |
Fragment the Knowledge Record. More... | |
class | Function |
Function node of the parse tree. More... | |
class | GetClock |
Returns the clock of the argument or the system clock. More... | |
class | GetTime |
Returns the wall clock time. More... | |
class | GetTimeSeconds |
Returns the wall clock time in seconds. More... | |
class | GreaterThan |
Check and left and right arguments for greater than. More... | |
class | GreaterThanEqual |
Check and left and right arguments for greater than or equal to. More... | |
class | Implies |
Assign the value of an expression to a variable. More... | |
class | Inequality |
Check and left and right arguments for inequality. More... | |
class | InOrderIteratorImpl |
Iterates through an ExpressionTree in in-order. More... | |
class | Interpreter |
Parses incoming expression strings into a parse tree and generates an expression tree from the parse tree. More... | |
class | LeafNode |
Defines a node that contains a madara::knowledge::KnowledgeRecord::Integer value. More... | |
class | LessThan |
Check and left and right arguments for less than. More... | |
class | LessThanEqual |
Check and left and right arguments for less than or equal to. More... | |
class | LevelOrderExpressionTreeIteratorImpl |
Iterates through an ExpressionTree in level-order. More... | |
class | List |
Parameter List. More... | |
class | ListNode |
Defines a terminal node that contains a list. More... | |
class | LogLevel |
Reads or sets the MADARA log level. More... | |
class | Modulus |
Modulus node of the parse tree (10 % 4 == 2) More... | |
class | Multiply |
Multiplication node of the parse tree. More... | |
class | Negate |
Negate node of the parse tree. More... | |
class | Not |
Logically not the right node. More... | |
class | Number |
Leaf node of parse tree. More... | |
class | Operator |
Abstract base class for all parse tree node operators. More... | |
class | Or |
Logically or node of the parse tree. More... | |
class | Postdecrement |
Postdecrement node of the parse tree. More... | |
class | Postincrement |
Postincrement node of the parse tree. More... | |
class | PostOrderIteratorImpl |
Iterates through an ExpressionTree in post-order. More... | |
class | Power |
Returns a base term taken to a power (exponent) More... | |
class | Predecrement |
Predecrement node of the parse tree. More... | |
class | Preincrement |
Preincrement node of the parse tree. More... | |
class | PreOrderIteratorImpl |
Iterates through an ExpressionTree in level-order. More... | |
class | |
Prints a Knowledge Record to the stderr. More... | |
class | PrintSystemCalls |
Prints a help menu for all system calls. More... | |
class | RandDouble |
Generates a random double. More... | |
class | RandInt |
Generates a random integer. More... | |
class | ReadFile |
Reads a file. More... | |
class | ReturnRight |
Evaluates both left and right children and returns right value. More... | |
class | Sequence |
Evaluates both left and right children, regardless of values. More... | |
class | SetClock |
Sets the system or a variable clock. More... | |
class | SetFixed |
Sets the output format to std::fixed. More... | |
class | SetPrecision |
Sets the precision of doubles. More... | |
class | SetScientific |
Sets the output to std::scientific. More... | |
class | Sin |
Returns the sin of a term (radians) More... | |
class | Size |
Returns the size of a record. More... | |
class | Sleep |
Sleeps for a certain amount of time. More... | |
class | SquareRoot |
Returns the square root of a term. More... | |
class | SquareRootUnary |
class | Subtract |
Subtraction node of the parse tree. More... | |
class | Symbol |
Abstract base class of all parse tree nodes. More... | |
class | SystemCall |
Abstract base class for operators with 3+ potential subnodes. More... | |
class | SystemCallClearVariable |
Attempts to clear a variable. More... | |
class | SystemCallCos |
Returns the cosine of a term in radians. More... | |
class | SystemCallDeleteVariable |
Attempts to delete a variable. More... | |
class | SystemCallEval |
Evaluates a knowledge::KnowledgeRecord and returns the evaluation result. More... | |
class | SystemCallExpandEnv |
Returns the expansion of a statement with environment vars. More... | |
class | SystemCallExpandStatement |
Returns the expansion of a statement. More... | |
class | SystemCallFragment |
Returns a fragment of the knowledge record. More... | |
class | SystemCallGetClock |
Returns the system clock or a variable clock. More... | |
class | SystemCallGetTime |
Returns the time in nanoseconds since epoch. More... | |
class | SystemCallGetTimeSeconds |
Returns the current time in seconds since epoch. More... | |
class | SystemCallLogLevel |
Sets or returns the current MADARA logging level. More... | |
class | SystemCallNode |
Interface for a MADARA system call. More... | |
class | SystemCallPow |
Calculates a base term taken to a power. More... | |
class | SystemCallPrint |
Prints a Knowledge Record. More... | |
class | SystemCallPrintSystemCalls |
Prints all supported system calls. More... | |
class | SystemCallRandDouble |
Returns a random double. More... | |
class | SystemCallRandInt |
Returns a random integer. More... | |
class | SystemCallReadFile |
Reads a file from an user-provided file name. More... | |
class | SystemCallSetClock |
Sets the system clock or a variable clock. More... | |
class | SystemCallSetFixed |
Sets the output format to use std::fixed. More... | |
class | SystemCallSetPrecision |
Sets the double precision for converting doubles to a string and for printing. More... | |
class | SystemCallSetScientific |
Sets the output format to use std::scientific. More... | |
class | SystemCallSin |
Returns the sin of a term in radians. More... | |
class | SystemCallSize |
Returns the size of a specified knowledge record. More... | |
class | SystemCallSleep |
Sleeps for a certain amount of time. More... | |
class | SystemCallSqrt |
Returns the square root of a term. More... | |
class | SystemCallTan |
Returns the tangent of a term in radians. More... | |
class | SystemCallToBuffer |
Converts an argument into an unsigned char buffer. More... | |
class | SystemCallToDouble |
Converts an argument to a double. More... | |
class | SystemCallToDoubles |
Converts an argument to an array of doubles. More... | |
class | SystemCallToHostDirs |
Ensures the directory delimiters are appropriate for the host operating system (e.g., on Windows, '\' and Linux, '/') More... | |
class | SystemCallToInteger |
Converts an argument to an integer. More... | |
class | SystemCallToIntegers |
Converts an argument to an array of integers. More... | |
class | SystemCallToString |
Converts an argument to a string. More... | |
class | SystemCallType |
Returns the type of a specified knowledge record. More... | |
class | SystemCallWriteFile |
Writes a knowledge record to an user-specified file name. More... | |
class | Tan |
Returns the tangent of a term (radians) More... | |
class | TernaryOperator |
Abstract base class for operators with 3+ potential subnodes. More... | |
class | ToBuffer |
Returns a buffer. More... | |
class | ToDouble |
Returns a double. More... | |
class | ToDoubles |
Returns a double array. More... | |
class | ToHostDirs |
Returns a version that has a directory structure appropriate to the OS. More... | |
class | ToInteger |
Returns an integer. More... | |
class | ToIntegers |
Returns an integers. More... | |
class | ToString |
Returns a string. More... | |
class | Type |
Returns the type of a record. More... | |
class | UnaryOperator |
Abstract base class for all parse tree node operators. More... | |
class | Variable |
Leaf node of parse tree. More... | |
class | VariableCompare |
Increment a variable by a certain amount. More... | |
class | VariableCompareNode |
Defines a terminal node of that references the current value stored in a variable. More... | |
class | VariableDecrement |
Decrement a variable by a certain amount. More... | |
class | VariableDecrementNode |
Composite node that subtracts a variable by some right hand side. More... | |
class | VariableDivide |
Divide a variable by a certain amount. More... | |
class | VariableDivideNode |
Composite node that divides a variable by some right hand side. More... | |
class | VariableIncrement |
Increment a variable by a certain amount. More... | |
class | VariableIncrementNode |
Defines a terminal node of that references the current value stored in a variable. More... | |
class | VariableMultiply |
Multiply a variable by a certain amount. More... | |
class | VariableMultiplyNode |
Composite node that multiplies a variable by some right hand side. More... | |
class | VariableNode |
Defines a terminal node of that references the current value stored in a variable. More... | |
class | Visitor |
Abstract base class for all visitors to all classes that derive from ComponentNode. More... | |
class | WriteFile |
Writes a file. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::deque< ComponentNode * > | ComponentNodes |
a vector of Component Nodes More... | |
typedef std::map< std::string, ExpressionTree > | ExpressionTreeMap |
typedef std::vector< Symbol * > | Symbols |
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > | SystemCallsHelp |
Enumerations | |
Contains the KaRL expression tree interpreter and related classes.
typedef std::deque<ComponentNode *> madara::expression::ComponentNodes |
a vector of Component Nodes
Definition at line 100 of file ComponentNode.h.
typedef std::map<std::string, ExpressionTree> madara::expression::ExpressionTreeMap |
Definition at line 29 of file Interpreter.h.
typedef std::vector<Symbol *> madara::expression::Symbols |
Definition at line 144 of file Interpreter.cpp.
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> madara::expression::SystemCallsHelp |
Definition at line 18 of file SystemCallPrintSystemCalls.h.
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 40 of file ExpressionTree.cpp.
anonymous enum |
Definition at line 89 of file Interpreter.cpp.