1 #ifndef _MADARA_COMPOSITE_LESS_THAN_NODE_H_ 2 #define _MADARA_COMPOSITE_LESS_THAN_NODE_H_ 4 #ifndef _MADARA_NO_KARL_ 68 #endif // _MADARA_NO_KARL_ 70 #endif // _MADARA_COMPOSITE_LESS_THAN_NODE_H_ This class encapsulates an entry in a KnowledgeBase.
virtual madara::knowledge::KnowledgeRecord item(void) const
Returns the printable character of the node.
virtual madara::knowledge::KnowledgeRecord prune(bool &can_change)
Prunes the expression tree of unnecessary nodes.
CompositeLessThanNode(logger::Logger &logger, ComponentNode *left, ComponentNode *right)
Defines a left and right node (via inheritance from CompositeUnaryNode).
Provides knowledge logging services to files and terminals.
A multi-threaded logger for logging to one or more destinations.
virtual void accept(Visitor &visitor) const
Accepts a visitor subclassed from the Visitor class.
An abstract base class defines a simple abstract implementation of an expression tree node...
Abstract base class for all visitors to all classes that derive from ComponentNode.
Settings for applying knowledge updates.
Copyright (c) 2015 Carnegie Mellon University.
virtual ComponentNode * left(void) const
Returns the left expression.
virtual madara::knowledge::KnowledgeRecord evaluate(const madara::knowledge::KnowledgeUpdateSettings &settings)
Evaluates the expression tree.
virtual ComponentNode * right(void) const
Returns the right expression.
A composite node that compares left and right children for less than.