1 #ifndef _MADARA_COMPOSITE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL_NODE_H_ 2 #define _MADARA_COMPOSITE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL_NODE_H_ 4 #ifndef _MADARA_NO_KARL_ 68 #endif // _MADARA_NO_KARL_ 70 #endif // _MADARA_COMPOSITE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL_NODE_H_ This class encapsulates an entry in a KnowledgeBase.
A composite node that compares left and right children for less than or equal to. ...
virtual madara::knowledge::KnowledgeRecord item(void) const
Returns the printable character of the node.
Defines a left and right node (via inheritance from CompositeUnaryNode).
Provides knowledge logging services to files and terminals.
A multi-threaded logger for logging to one or more destinations.
virtual madara::knowledge::KnowledgeRecord prune(bool &can_change)
Prunes the expression tree of unnecessary nodes.
An abstract base class defines a simple abstract implementation of an expression tree node...
Abstract base class for all visitors to all classes that derive from ComponentNode.
virtual void accept(Visitor &visitor) const
Accepts a visitor subclassed from the Visitor class.
CompositeLessThanEqualNode(logger::Logger &logger, ComponentNode *left, ComponentNode *right)
Settings for applying knowledge updates.
virtual madara::knowledge::KnowledgeRecord evaluate(const madara::knowledge::KnowledgeUpdateSettings &settings)
Evaluates the expression tree.
Copyright (c) 2015 Carnegie Mellon University.
virtual ComponentNode * left(void) const
Returns the left expression.
virtual ComponentNode * right(void) const
Returns the right expression.